The quality of pavement that you install on your driveway determines how long it will last, and also how positive your experience will be when using it. Asphalt, flagstone, cobblestone, and foam bitumen are the most common materials used as pavements.

Each of the materials has its benefits and weaknesses, and thus you have to be keen when picking one. Foam bitumen is formed by injecting water into hot bitumen. The bitumen expands many times, and it is then mixed with an aggregate to form the pavement surface. Here are three reasons to invest in foam bitumen.

1. High Moisture Capacity

Moisture is one of the reasons why most pavement materials wear out and even completely disintegrate before they have given enough service. Most pavement materials have a weakness in that their moisture capacity reduces with an increase in their shear strength. You might find out that the paving materials with the highest shear strength have a low tolerance to moisture. Bitumen is different because it has as much shear strength as cementitious materials, but at the same time, it is very flexible. The flexibility ensures that it does not form fatigue cracks.

2. Affordability of the Coating Material

Another amazing quality of foamed bitumen is that it needs less binder material and water to make enough coating material. It is also versatile and can combine perfectly with different types of aggregate to form pavement. For an ideal coating, use aggregates that are small in diameter. Since the foamed bitumen needs less water and binder reduces transportation costs and the cost of binder, you can lower your entire paving budget. If you have a keen interest in environmental conservation, it is worth noting that foamed bitumen does not give off any volatile gases that can harm the atmosphere.

3. Simple and Time-Saving Paving Process

During the paving process, you will only need to heat the bitumen to mix it with the aggregate. You can use cold and damp aggregate without ruining the quality of the resulting paving material. You can also pave during wet weather without the fear that you will affect the project outcome. These qualities help you save time and cost.

Foamed bitumen is one of the cheapest and easy-to-work-with paving materials. As long as you have a reliable paving contractor by your side during the planning and the paving, you are assured of excellent results worth your investment.
